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Forum Posts
Oct 20, 2022
In Mods Discussion
Hey there, Reginald001 here, creator of Companion Ivy. I'm working on a patch that allows users to switch Ivy to Ikaros race, but I'm running into an issue with what headparts and whatnot to set to make her Ikaros. I can switch her race easy, but I don't know what other things I need to set in script to make her actually switch bodies. So far I have a simple terminal script that looks like this: If Game.IsPluginInstalled("IKAROS-Androids.esp") Race IKAROSRace = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01000F99, "IKAROS-Androids.esp") as Race pIVYCOMP.SetRace(IKAROSRace) endif This works. She is assigned the new race etc, but her body does not change yet. I tried looking for the source script for IKAROS_Race_Changer_H_To_IK.psc but it's not included in the build. I can only see the properties. I see body/head parts and something that needs equipping on the NPC, but I need the real details if I want to make this generic patch work. Any help would be appreciated. I can also be found at:
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